Privacy policy

This privacy policy describes when and how Viking Redningstjeneste AS processes personal data. By personal data, we mean any information that can identify you as an individual.


In this privacy statement, we aim to explain to you, the visitor, how and why we process your personal data when you visit our website.

By personal data, we mean any information that can identify you as an individual.

The use of personal data must comply with the Personal Data Act. We, as the data controller, will ensure that we process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Data Controller and Contact Information


  • Name: Viking Redningstjeneste AS
  • Address: Vollaveien 15, 0668 Oslo
  • Org. No.: 991 651 543

Data Controller

  • Name: Marius Bruu
  • Email:
  • Phone: +47 12 34 56 78

Personal data we collect

Depending on the information you provide us, how you use our services, and the permissions you grant us, we collect the following data about you:

As a visitor to the website:

  • IP address (in anonymized form)
  • Device (PC, mobile phone, or tablet)
  • Pages you visit and the features you utilize
  • Browser and its version details
  • Operating system and its version details
  • Device brand
  • Device model
  • Device name
  • Screen size
  • City

When you order a product or service, or contact us:

  • Vehicle information such as registration number, brand, model, service, and other vehicle identifiers
  • Details about breakdowns, incidents, accidents, or other events, such as location, time, and descriptions of the incidents
  • Audio logs/ recordings of conversations between customer and customer service representative
  • In certain cases, comparable data may also be registered for the driver/ requester or the vehicle owner's companions, where necessary, for example, when booking a return journey
  • Driver's license information
  • Insurance details
  • Name
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • City/town
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Consents
  • Purpose
  • Messages
  • Source of inquiry

Job applicants:

We process personal data about job applicants to assess their suitability for the position they have applied for. The processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interest in hiring and documenting the hiring process. Providing us with information is voluntary. The details you choose to give us will influence our assessment of your application. We retain this information for up to 6 months after the recruitment process has concluded.

We never knowingly collect sensitive personal data, such as health information, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or the like, and kindly request that you refrain from sending such information about yourself to us through our contact channels.

How we use personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Website Customization: We use the data to tailor our website to your device, aiming to provide you with the best possible user experience on our site.
  • Execute Orders and Transactions: We use the data to process and execute orders that you place through our website.
  • Customer Service: We retain the information you provide and receive if you get in touch with us, to offer service and manage your customer relationship.
  • Statistics: We prepare and use statistical analyses and identify market trends to enhance our products, services, marketing, and website. This is done solely with anonymous data, and the information used cannot be traced back to you as an individual.
  • Marketing: We gather anonymous user data on visitors to our website and use this for marketing purposes.

Further information about cookies and pixels can be found later in the privacy statement.

Who we share personal data with

We do not sell your personal data to third parties.

We share anonymized information with partners for purposes such as market analysis and service development. Additionally, we share data for statistical and marketing purposes with Google Analytics and Google Ads.

We only share personal data with insurance companies when the customer is insured with the respective company.

Transfers abroad

The transfer of personal data, in a data protection context, to third parties or data processors outside of the EU/EEA is done ensuring an adequate level of protection. This is in line with the EU's standard contractual clauses and the US Privacy Shield certification. You can read more about these mechanisms on the Data Inspectorate's website.

For all third-party suppliers processing personal data, this is done within the EU/EEA, and there exist data processing agreements for all situations where it is relevant.

Viking Redningstjeneste AS only transfers data that cannot identify you as a private individual outside the EU/EEA.

How long we store personal data

We retain data about you for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose they were collected for, or if we are required by law to retain the data. The data will be deleted or anonymized when they are no longer necessary for the purpose. Below is an overview of how long we retain your data:

  • We store audio logs of all phone calls for a maximum of 6 months.
  • Emails and contact form inquiries are deleted after 12 months unless a customer relationship is established.

Your rights

You have the right to ask us to:

  • Provide further information on how we process your personal data.
  • Give you a copy of personal data about you.
  • Update your personal data.
  • Delete records that we no longer have a basis to retain.
  • Limit or halt the processing of your data.
  • Oppose automatic individual decisions, including profiling.
  • Give you data you provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or, where technically feasible, ask us to transfer them to another enterprise.
  • Withdraw any consents you have provided us.

Please note that these rights have certain limitations. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information on this.

If you believe that we process personal data in violation of the Personal Data Act, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Inspectorate. Before doing so, we kindly request that you contact us so we can address your questions or clarify any misunderstandings.

Changes to the privacy statement

We update the privacy statement when necessary. You will always find information about when it was last updated on this page. The privacy statement was last updated on 14/10/22.

Information about cookies:

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device when you access a webpage. Cookies are used to ensure that you receive the best possible user experience on our website and for marketing purposes.

Most modern browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can choose to modify your browser settings to refuse cookies.

Cookie Declaration:

Cookie:Domain:Description:Data Processor:Storage Duration:Country:
test cookie visitors' actions after they arrive from other websites.DoubleClick1 yearUSA
shopify_checkout_id for the online store's cart functionality. Remembers what the user has placed in the shopping cart.ShopifyNeverUSA
CookieConsent the user's preferences and choices for cookies.CookieBotAfter each visit.Irland
Collect to measure the number of times a visitor has accessed the website, as well as the first and last visit.Google Analytics2 yearsUSA
_ga the user a unique ID. Utilized for tracking statistics on how the visitor uses the site.Google Analytics2 yearsUSA
_gid various users by assigning a unique, randomly generated number to each visitor.Google Analytics1 dayUSA
_dc_gtm_UA-# to identify the user's navigation patterns on the site, where they reside, and the duration of their stay on the page.Google Tag Manager1 dayUSA
pagead/landing data regarding the visitor's behavior on websites to present more relevant advertising. It also limits the frequency at which websites can display the same advertisement.DoubleClick1 dayUSA
IDE user actions after they access the page from an advertising placement.DoubleClick1 yearUSA
pagead/landing data on the visitor's behavior across websites to deliver more pertinent advertising. It also curtails the possibility for websites to repetitively display the same advertisement.GoogleAfter each visit.USA
ads/ga-audiences by Google Ads to re-engage visitors deemed likely to convert based on their behavior on the site.GoogleAfter each visit.USA
pagead/1p-user-list/# if the user has shown interest in specific products, services, or other events across multiple websites and tracks how the user navigates between sites.GoogleAfter each visit.USA
_gcl_au by Google to experiment with advertising across websites for users availing their services.GoogleAfter each visit.USA
YSC the user a unique ID. Used to track statistics about unique videos the user has watched.YoutubeAfter each visit.USA
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE to estimate the user's bandwidth on sites with integrated YouTube videos.Youtube179 daysUSA
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY the user's preferences for video settings in embedded videos.YoutubeNeverUSA
yt-remote-device-id the user's preferences for video settings in embedded videos.Youtube NoCookieNeverUSA
yt.innertube::requests the user a distinct ID. Used to monitor statistics about which videos the user has viewed on YouTube.Youtube NoCookieNeverUSA
yt.innertube::nextId the user a unique ID. Utilized to track statistics regarding which videos the user has watched on YouTube.Youtube NoCookieNeverUSA
yt-remote-connected-devices brukerens preferanser for video-instillinger i innebygde videoerYoutube NoCookieNeverUSA
yt_remote-session-app the user's preferences for video settings in integrated videos.Youtube NoCookieAfter each visit.USA
yt-remote-cast-installed the user's preferences for video settings in integrated videos.Youtube NoCookieAfter each visit.USA
yt-remote-session-name the user's preferences for video settings in integrated videos.Youtube NoCookieAfter each visit.USA
yt-remote-cast-available the user's preferences for video settings in integrated videos.Youtube NoCookieAfter each visit.USA
yt-remote-fast-check-period the user's preferences for video settings in integrated videos.Youtube NoCookieAfter each visit.USA