Battery replacement service

Is your car battery dead or struggling to start? We’ll come to your location with the correct battery and replace it for you for you safely.

How it works

We make it easy and painless for you to get a new car battery fitted.


Start your order

Get your car battery ordered, delivered, fitted and checked by filling out the form below. Be sure to pick the "other" option in the drop down menu.


We'll contact you

Our customer service agents will contact you to confirm the price, location, time and other relevant details. We always try to find a time and place that suits you.


Battery fitting

Viking will will arrive at your location at the agreed upon time. Our experienced mobile mechanic will then remove the old battery and install the new one.



After the battery fitting is complete we ensure everything works and take payment on the spot. We'll also dispose of your old battery.

Book your battery fitting

A car battery has a lifespan of around 5 years. Replacing an old battery can be challenging and time consuming. Let us do the job for you.


Breakdown information

Enter cause of breakdown, registration and phone number


When do you need help?

Select the urgency of the situation



Share your location


Help is on the way

We will call you and send a service vehicle